
A heavy-duty, Refined Tar emulsion (water based) sealcoating specifically designed to protect and beautify asphalt pavements. Based on carefully selected grades of Refined Tar, minerals, specialty additives and performance boosters, STAR-SEAL® has an extraordinary degree of toughness and water repellency, unmatched by any competitive sealer.
STAR-SEAL® forms a tough, durable and flexible coating that protects asphalt pavements from the damaging elements of weather, water penetration, de- icing salts, traffic damage, surface raveling/checking, gasoline and other petrochemicals. The combination of state of-the-art technology in manufacturing and raw material selection.
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Safety Data Sheet

A premium grade, Refined Tar emulsion sealcoating for jobs that demand only the best performance. STAR-SEAL SUPREME® has the industry’s highest degree of toughness and water repellency, unmatched by any competitive sealer. The “Hot Blending” of catalyzed rubber and select polymers with Refined Tar greatly improves its durability and overall longevity. Superior water repellency is achieved with the use of specialty chemicals that enhance the water resistance of the cured coating.
STAR-SEAL SUPREME® was designed with increased levels or rubber polymer and performance boosting specialty chemicals to deliver unmatched performance. STAR- SEAL SUPREME® has excellent resistance to gasoline, oil, chemicals and deicing salts.

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Safety Data Sheet

STAR-TRITON Next Generation Sealcoating
STAR-TRITON ushers a new generation of pavement sealcoatings that are high-performance effective alternatives to both refined tar and asphalt emulsion sealers.

STAR SPECTRUM® Brilliant Acrylic Specialty Coating
STAR SPECTRUM® is a 100% acrylic latex polymer-based coating for concrete and asphalt.

STAR Spectrum
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STAR Spectrum
Safety Data Sheet

Designed as a premium grade, Refined Tar emulsion sealcoating superior to other conventional FAA mix design sealers. STAR AVIATOR®, as supplied, already contains the rubber necessary to meet FAA specifications. The rubber is “Hot Blended” during the manufacturing process to ensure that it is properly fused into the Refined Tar. Cold mixing simply does not achieve the same level of bonding to the tar particles.
The superiority of STAR AVIATOR® has been well established in the field for nearly two decades. STAR AVIATOR® has been certified by an independent testing laboratory and compliance certification to FAA specifications is available upon request. STAR AVIATOR® has toughness and flexibility at all temperatures as well as resistance to kerosene, gasoline, oil, chemicals and de-icing salts.
Detailed Application Specifications Data Sheet
Safety Data Sheet